
Looking Forward-Then Looking Back

You know how when you are really excited for something, it completely consumes you. All you do is think about it and wish that it would just "come on already." You imagine how it will be and how it will unfold. Then most of the time, things do not go as planned. Lately, planning Aaron and my big day, has made me so excited, too excited, for it. It is all I think about and I am on the computer countless numbers of hours researching all the fine little details. Yes, I know this is just the girly thing to do. Having the perfect wedding is every girl's dream...well...most girl's dream. I'm starting to see, however, that maybe I shouldnt be wishing the time away. I keep saying how much I wish it would just be here and happen. But then, what would I have to look forward to? Haha. Yes, spending the rest of my life with Aaron is something to look forward to. But that's a little different than the buildup feeling of looking forward to something big. Once the wedding day comes, it is over just as fast, and then the real life part happens. Do not get me wrong, I am looking forward to real life...but I also realize it is going to be far from a piece of cake.

Basically, what I am trying to get at is, we should all just enjoy the little moments that lead up to something big. Without the little moments in between, the big thing could possibly be disappointing. You spend all the time wishing it would come and not just enjoying laughter and happiness, excitement at its best.

My wedding planning goal: take time each and every day to think about non-wedding things or do something just for me. Something that makes me happy simply because it is my own happiness, not created by outside forces. Ta Dah! :)

1 comment:

C. JoyBell C. said...

I am so happy to hear that you have found your own rhythm in this thing called life...and love. :)