I had one of those today.
We were driving in the car talking about the weather in our new home, Idaho. I brought up the fact that it hasnt rained or even given a hint that it might rain, since we got here. It has not thundered the least little bit and gray clouds were nowhere to be seen. This, of course, saddens me. I love the rain and the feeling you can taste when it's in your presence. It is my therepy, my inner healing. I get lost in the sound of the shallow drops exploding on the window. There is nothing more naturally beautiful than a rainy day, where i'm all cuddled up in a fleece blanket, crossed-legged on the couch -- just watching -- just listening -- just feeling.
Like all the nights passed, I was sitting at my computer, and out of the corner of my eye I saw a flash. At first I thought..eehh...maybe I was just seeing things. Then the tingle of thunder echoed in the distance. Yes. Thunder. Lightning. The hint of rain I had been yearning for since the day we got here. So here I am, with the curtains as wide as they will go, waiting to hear the first droplet of rain hit the window.

Perhaps it will never come...
But I got the hint -- that you can never be sure in life. When you least expect it, the unexpected happens. And like the lightning dazzling in the corner of my eye, beauty can unexpectedly pounce upon you. Most likely...you will never see it coming.
There is magic and beauty in things unexpected...always.