
I walk the line.

My last day of work is friday && It seems so surreal that it is all happening now. I'm at that stage where you know change is coming and all you want to do is run the other way. I have friends here -- my fiance is here -- everything i know is here! Idaho might as well be a million miles away. I wanted change so much; i've become accustomed to experiencing new environments every few years while growing up. I crave new places like i crave chocolate, A LOT! But as I am starting to realize, it is easier said than done, to walk away from everything you know. I want time to stop so i can soak up as much of this place as i can before i wave goodbye. I keep thinking of how long i will have to wait to see my fiance. I have a movie that plays in my head everytime i think about the day i will leave -- we are waving to eachother as my car drives off, just like in the movies. It is sad and I dont want to do it! Why cant shrink rays exist?!? Because then I could just zap Aaron and keep him in my pocket =] Oh, if only life were that easy -- make everything right with one push of a button.

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